"Are You Ready?"

Be Smart, Be Responsible, Be Prepared. GET READY!
Do you know what to do? Do you have a plan? During a disaster emergency services such as fire, police and emergency medical services may be delayed in responding. You need to learn what to do, have a plan and be prepared to take care of yourself, your family and your community.
College Park Outdoor Emergency Warning System

The City of College Park utilizes a Whelen Outdoor Emergency Warning Siren System. There are currently five siren locations within the city that provide citywide outdoor coverage. This system enables us to provide early notification and emergency warning information through outdoor mass communication.
The purpose of this outdoor warning system is to provide as much advanced warning of a threat or danger to the public and to provide emergency information to all individuals outdoors, often times warning them to seek immediate and safe shelter.
To ensure that this system is always ready a weekly audible testis conducted every Wednesday at 12 noon. The audible siren test is immediately preceeded by and followed by a voice message which states: "This is a test of the College Park Emergency Warning System".
Please take advantage of this time to practice your home and/or business emergency preparedness plans so that you, your family, and your employees are always ready in case of an emergency. Don't Have a Plan Yet? For more information on how to create a family or business emergency preparedness plan visit www.readyga.gov